"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. " -Maya Angelou It's October 1st, and I think, and hope, you all know by now that this means it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Most of you know I'm a diehard Today Show watcher, and as soon as I turned it on this morning I was taken over by pink. Matt's ribbon, Carson transforming the Orange Room into Pink Power city and Joan Lunden as a special guest taking breast cancer questions via Facebook. Pink was awesomely everywhere by 7 a.m. I loved it.
This year, Breast Cancer Awareness Month has a different meaning for me. For my life, breast cancer awareness has turned into educating, sharing and opening the conversation on the breast cancer Previvor (capitalizing because I think we are cool enough to have that title). And guess what, it's not only the beginning of this pink-filled month, today is also National Previvor Day! It may be the lesser-known national day during this month, but it's the one that I hold the most dear.
So let's start Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a pink bang, and remember that knowledge is power. Being a Previvor doesn't mean you have to take surgical matters or know right now what you want to do, but is does mean that you're aware of your risk, and you have the power to be proactive and live a healthy lifestyle. For me, being a Previvor means using my knowledge to stay proactive, preventative and most importantly, to be confident enough to share my knowledge and my story with the world. Because helping one person, being a role model to one person or just touching one person's life in some small way, could save a life.
So here's to you Previvors, and the courage it takes to have the knowledge of your risk and do all you can to prevent your chances of developing breast cancer. Let's be proud in our fancy name. Today is our day. Because knowledge is power. And having that power is something to be proud of.
Xoxo, Molly