"It's better in life to look back and say 'I can't believe I did that' than to look back and say 'I wish I did that.'" Tomorrow I will be participating in my second half marathon. The Cincinnati Queen Bee is a women-focused half and 4-miler, and tomorrow is the inaugural race. More importantly, tomorrow is MY inaugural race with my new body, and fresh outlook on life. Flash back to spring of 2013 and my first half marathon. It was something myself and a few friends did together and was awesome, but it definitely wasn't easy. (I'm waiting for Maria to read this and text me asking if I've lost my mind!) But let's get real, if I can deal with two surgeries in six months, I can run a few hours on a Saturday morning.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not planning on running the whole thing or breaking any records, and I really haven't had a ton of time to train (physically and in regards to my more-important social calendar) since I've been cleared to get back to regular workouts, so I'll be doing the best I possibly can by run/walking it. Since I was able to start going back to the gym, I've tried my best to make working out more of a fun routine. Dragging friends to the gym at 6 a.m. so we can gossip while stair-stepping, going on walks with a BFF and her dog to Coffee Emporium on Fridays and running outside or at the gym on the treadmill as a way to decompress from a long day while listening to a lot of Mat Kearney. It's been fun, and kept me in pretty good shape. So really, why not take on another half marathon?
When it comes down to it, my reason for doing it is both simple and admittedly selfish: to show myself that I can. I want to show myself, and other young women who may be in similar shoes, that the surgical decisions I made in the last year did not take away my ability to stay in shape, be healthy or the possibility of coming out on top. You don't have to bounce back to win triathlons or climb mountains, but having a goal and sticking to it can be as rewarding as the medal at the end of the race.
So wish me luck that this simple, selfish idea of mine proves successful. But hey, a little self affirmation never hurt anyone. #YOLO
Xoxo, Molly